Frequently Asked Questions

Text messages will come from 12323. You can save this number on your phone as a contact and name it “SmartMom” so you know who the messages are from.
Sign In to your SmartMom account. On the My Profile page, you'll be able to enter your new expected due date. Click on the 'Update' button when done.
Sign In to your SmartMom account. On the My Profile page, you'll be able to replace your previous mobile phone number with your new phone number. Click on the 'Update' button when done.
Sign In to your SmartMom account. On your My Profile page, scroll down to the bottom and click on the ‘Go to Schedule’ button. Follow instructions on the page to change your schedule. Click on the ‘Update Enrollment’ button to confirm changes.
If you are receiving the SmartMom program, you will receive messages with prompts to text a keyword to opt-in to the supplemental message streams. Each supplemental stream has 3-7 messages. You can also opt-in at any time during your program by texting the following keywords to SmartMom at 12323:
ALCOHOL - Reducing alcohol intake
SMOKING - Managing tobacco intake and vaping
NEW - Being pregnant and new to Canada
AFTER35 – Having your 1st baby over 35 years of age
EATING - Healthy eating and weight
LOSS – Support if you had a past or current pregnancy loss (miscarriage, stillbirth) or infant loss
SAFETY - Safety in relationships
VBAC - Learning about vaginal birth after a previous Cesarean section
MENTALHEALTH - Mental health during pregnancy
RHNEG - Having Rh-negative blood (type A-, B-, AB-, or O-)
Each SmartMom supplemental stream has 3-7 messages, delivered daily with your regular messages. If you opt-in to supplemental messages, you will receive them once per day approximately five minutes after your regularly scheduled messages. For example, if you have messages scheduled for Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at noon, supplemental messages will be sent Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 12:05 pm.
Please note: Some supplemental stream messages are sent according to your week of pregnancy.
If your baby was born early, you can text the keyword BORN to us at 12323 to stop the messages.
If you have experienced a pregnancy loss, you can text the keyword LOSS to us. You will have the option to stop the messages and will also be directed to support resources.
If you choose to stop your messages, you will remain enrolled in the study and we will send you links to any remaining study surveys. Please contact us if you wish to withdraw from the study. You may withdraw from the study at any time for any reason.
You can find a list of the messages by signing in to your SmartMom account and clicking on ‘Messages’.
SmartMom will not charge you to sign up or to receive program text messages. However, standard message and data rates from your service provider may apply. This means that, depending on your phone plan with your mobile phone service provider (e.g. Bell, Rogers, Telus), you may be charged by the provider for: 1) text messages received from/sent to SmartMom, or 2) data usage if you click any web links in the SmartMom text messages while not connected to WiFi.
If you have an unlimited text messaging plan, you shouldn’t be charged to receive our messages. If you have an unlimited data plan, you shouldn’t be charged for browsing web links in our messages.
Please check with your carrier if you are unsure about your phone plan.
We will send your Amazon gift card to you via text within 2 weeks of survey completion. If you have not received your gift card in two weeks, please contact us!
SmartMom is committed to providing an accessible and inclusive prenatal education program via text messaging to people with low-risk pregnancies. While our name includes “Mom” and some of our program content and resource links refer to “woman”, “mom” and “mother”, we acknowledge that people with a wide range of gender identities experience pregnancy and childbirth. Where possible, we use the terms “people”, “person” and “parent”, as we recognize that not every pregnant person identifies as a woman, female or a mother. As we continue to develop and update our content, we will aim to be inclusive with our language and to provide links to inclusive resources.
Yes, thanks for your interest! Please contact us!